Courses Taught

Courses Taught

1985-2017: undergraduate /and graduate

Music and Literature; Luso-Brazilian Civilization; Brazilian Culture; Introduction to Literature in Portuguese; Introduction to Brazilian Literature I/II; Contemporary Brazilian Narrative/Twentieth-Century Brazilian Novel; Contemporary Brazilian Poetry/ Brazilian Lyric; The Modernist Movement in Brazilian Literature; Fernando Pessoa and Portuguese Modernism; Special Topic:  Literature of the Brazilian Northeast;  Special Topics in Luso-Brazilian Civilization & Culture in Translation: Brazil Beyond the Modern; Brazil in Song;  Modern Brazilian Literature in Translation; Women’s Literature of Brazil; Empire to Integration- Cultural Dimensions of Portuguese Globalism, Inter-American Literature; Advanced Composition and Syntax; Composition and Conversation (featuring crônicas brasileiras).

Power Point:  Inter-American Aesthetics Chico Science Maracatu: ASU copy

Slide Show!: Cantoria Nordestina: 

Previous Syllabi

Some old syllabi are still posted at :
POW 4930/6930, Music and Literature
PRT 3930/LAS 4935, Inter-American Literature
POW 4450/6930 The Modernist Movement in Brazilian Literature
POW 4930/6930 Literature of the Brazilian Northeast
PRT 3930/LAS 4935 Jorge Amado and Bahian Imaginaries
PRT 2490 Modern Brazilian Literature in Translation
PRT 3930 Empire to Integration: Cultural Dimensions of Portuguese Globalism,
both cross listed as Women’s Studies WST 3930