The course is on Canvas
Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Lecture Notes
Simulation of random variables
Time and Location
M-W-F Period 5 (11:45 AM – 12:35 PM), ONLINE (Zoom link available in Canvas)
Classes will be live and recorded. Recording will be available for viewing in Canvas.
Office Hours
By appointment
There is no required text, but the following textbooks are suggested:
- G. F. Lawler, Stochastic Calculus: An Introduction with Applications (PDF available on Prof. Lawler’s website).
- P. E. Protter, Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations, Springer.
- K. Ball, An elementary introduction to modern convex geometry, Cambridge University Press (PDF available on Prof. Ball’s website).
- R. Vershynin, High-Dimensional Probability, An Introduction with Applications in Data Science, Cambridge University Press (PDF available on Prof. Vershynin’s website).
Final Exam Date
Friday, April 30 (4/30/2021) at 7:30 AM — 9:30 AM
Scope of the course
The aim of the course is to provide students with strong foundations in the area of probability theory. At the end of the course, students will be acquainted with the language of probability and will gain sufficient experience to successfully apply probabilistic tools to most areas of pure and applied sciences.
The course is intended for graduate students as part of their PhD requirement, and for students considering studying probability theory at a research level.
MAP 6467 — Stochastic Differential Equations
Topics Covered
Topics include: Stochastic differential equations, Stochastic integral with respect to martingales, Geometric objects in high-dimension, Sphere packing and covering, Dimension reduction: the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, Concentration inequalities.
Weekly Schedule
W1: Stochastic differential equations, Existence and uniqueness of solution.
W2: Simulation.
W3: Construction of stochastic integral with respect to a martingale.
W4: Change of measure, Girsanov’s theorem.
W5: Introduction to high-dimension: distribution of the volume of the Euclidean ball.
W6: John’s theorem, Sections of the cube and Dvoretsky’s theorem.
W7: Dimension reduction: the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma.
W8: Geometry of log-concave distributions.
W9: Bourgain’s hyperplane conjecture.
W10: Concentration inequalities.
W11: Sub-Gaussian and sub-exponential distributions.
W12: Concentration for Gaussian and log-concave distributions in Rn.
W13: Shannon entropy.
W14: Asymptotic equipartition property and typicality.