Greenland Weathering

Mike and Andy prep a CTD for installation in the upper Watson River

An abbreviated bibliography.

For a complete list see all publication here.  Send an email ( if you’d like a reprint.

Martin, J.B., Pain, A.J., Martin, E.E., Rahman, S., Ackerman, P., 2020, Comparisons of nutrients exported from Greenlandic glacial and deglaciated watersheds, Global Biogeochem. Cycles 34, e2020GB006661.

Pain, A.J., Martin, J.B., Martin, E.E., Rahman, S., Ackermann, P. 2020, Differences in the quantity and quality of organic matter exported from Greenlandic glaciated an deglaciated watersheds, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34, e2020GB006614. https//

Kellerman, A.M., Arellano, A., Podgorski, D.C., Martin, E.E., Martin, J.B., Deuerling, K.M., Bianchi, T.S., Spencer, R.G.M., 2019, Fundamental drivers of dissolved organic matter composition across an Arctic effective precipitation gradient,

Deuerling, K. M., Martin, J. B., Martin, E. E., Abermann, J., Myreng, S. M., Petersen, D., & Rennermalm, A. K. (2019). Chemical weathering across the western foreland of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 426-440.

Deuerling, K.M., Martin, J.B., and Martin, E.E., 2018, Hydrologic exchange and chemical weathering in a proglacial watershed near Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland, Jour. Hydrology, 556, 220-232,

Scribner, C. A., Martin, E. E., Martin, J. B., Deuerling, K. M., Collazo, D. F., & Marshall, A. T. (2015). Exposure age and climate controls on weathering in deglaciated watersheds of western Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 170, 157-172.


And a presentation:

Why should we care about Greenland watersheds? Reactions, runoff, and rising sea level