Karst Aquifers

lighthouse cave
PJ Moore sampling Lighthouse Cave, San Salvador Island, Bahamas

An abbreviated bibliography.

For a complete list see all publication here.  Send an email (jbmartin@ufl.edu) if you’d like a reprint.

Pain, A.J., Martin, J.B., Young, C.R., Valle-Levinson, A., Mariño-Tapia, I., 2019, Carbon and phosphorus processing in a carbonate karst aquifer and delivery to the coastal ocean, Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta, GCA, 269: 484-495.

Brown, A.L, Martin, J.B., Kamenov, G., Ezell, J.E., Screaton, E.J., Gulley, J.D., Spellman, P.D., in press, Trace metal cycling in karst aquifers subject to periodic river water intrusion, Chem Geo.

Martin, J.B., 2017, Carbonate minerals in the global carbon cycle, Chem Geol., 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.11.029, 449: 58-72.

Martin, J.B., Kurz, M.J., Khadka, M.B., 2016, Climate control of decadal-scale increases in apparent ages of eogenetic karst spring water, J. Hydro, v. 540, p. 988-1001.

Kurz, M.J., Martin, J.B., Cohen, M.J., Hensley, R., 2014, Diffusion and seepage-driven element fluxes from the hyporheic zone of a karst river, Freshwater Science, DOI: 10.1086/679654, v. 34.

Brown, A.L., Martin, J.B., Screaton, E., Ezell, J., Spellman, P., Gulley, J., 2014, Bank storage in karst aquifers: The impact of temporary intrusion of river water on carbonate dissolution and trace metal mobility, Chemical Geology, v. 385, 56-69.

Khadka, M. B., Martin, J. B., & Jin, J. (2014). Transport of dissolved carbon and CO2 degassing from a river system in a mixed silicate and carbonate catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 513, 391-402. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.03.070

Gulley, J., Martin, J.B., Moore, P.J., 2013, Vadose CO2 gas forms water table caves in eogenetic limestone rather than mixing dissolution, ESPL, v. 38, 1210-1224.

Kurz, M.J., de Montety, V., Martin, J.B., Cohen, M.J., Foster, C.R., 2013, Controls on diel metal cycles in a biologically productive carbonate-dominated river, Chem. Geol., v. 358, p. 61-74

Martin, J.B., Gulley, J., Spellman, P., 2012, Tidal pumping of water between Bahamian blue holes, aquifers, and the ocean, J. Hydrology doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.033; 416-417, 23-38.

Gulley, J., Martin, J.B., Screaton, E.J., and Moore, P.J., 2011 River reversals into karst springs: A model for cave enlargement in eogenetic karst aquifers, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. v. 123, p. 457-467.

And a few presentations:

Goldschmidt in Prague, August 2015: Weathering in modern carbonate terrains: Biological controls on redox condition, dissolution and atmospheric CO2 fluxes

GSA in Baltimore, October 2015: Carbonate Minerals and Dynamic Carbon Cycling