Topological Data Analysis

On this page I have a number of items to get the interested reader started with persistent homology and topological data analysis (TDA).

My resources

I’ve written the following to help beginners get started with Topological Data Analysis.


To learn the basic definitions and constructions, complete the following.

Topological Data Analysis with R

If you want to get started doing topological data analysis, complete the following.

To see the output of these scripts, view the following PDFs.

Other resources

If you know linear algebra you are ready to start! If you you’ve never heard of linear algebra, you can still learn what TDA is about with this article on TDA and Pokemon

Introduction to Topological Data Analysis and Persistent Homology

Simplicial Homology

The main technical tool for persistent homology is simplicial homology. For persistent homology, we use coefficients in a field. So simplicial k-chains are vectors and the set of simplicial k-chains is a vector space. Furthermore, the boundary map is a linear transformation. For finite simplices, it is represented by a matrix.

Topological Data Analysis and Persistent Homology

Here are some recent introductory articles. If you want to learn more about the subject I would recommend starting here. The first three are mathematical, the fourth emphasizes connections to data science, the fifth is more statistical, and the sixth emphasizes connections to computer science.

There is a Wikipedia page.

The following slightly older introductory articles provide background, some mathematical details and a few applications.

The following are more technical summaries of some of the main results in the field.

Detailed Exposition

Here is a detailed expository paper on persistent homology written for beginning graduate students.


The folllowing book is an excellent introduction to the subject.

For a mathematics graduate student wanting to learn the subject, I highly recommend starting with reading Part 1 of the following book. Those interested in applications to biology should also read Part 2.

I also recommend the following books.

Topological Data Analysis and Deep Learning