
Here are notes from my August 2022 CBMS lectures, Topological Data Analysis and Persistence Theory.

  1. Motivation and Basic Constructions
  2. Foundational Results
  3. Combinatorics and Geometry
  4. TDA and Statistics
  5. Algebra of Persistence Modules
  6. TDA and Machine Learning
  7. Multiparameter Persistent Homology via Generalized Morse Theory
  8. Applications of TDA
  9. Mathematics and Persistence
  10. TDA applied to Deep Learning and TDA Software

Here are slides from a few of my old talks.

I gave a 20 min talk at the British Mathematics Colloquium at the University of Oxford, April 6, 2016: Topological Data Analysis.

I gave a short course at the Third School/Conference in Topological Data Analysis in Mexico on January 23 – 24, 2017, titled Topology for Data Science.

  1. An Introduction to Topological Data Analysis
  2. Learning from the Shape of Data (I had to split the pdf) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
  3. Topology for Data Science 3.

Here is a talk on Stabilizing the unstable output of persistent homology computations, given at the Hausdorff Institute in Bonn, Germany on May 5, 2017.