Geometry & Topology Seminar – Duke University, Durham USA (February 3rd, 2025)
Title: Curvature, macroscopic dimensions, and symmetric products of surfaces RECORDING
Joint Meeting of the NZMS, AustMS and AMS – University of Auckland, New Zealand (December 9-13, 2024)
Title: On the Geometry of Symmetric Products of Curves (50 minutes talk)
Geometry Seminar – University of Roma Tre, Italy (October 3rd, 2024)
Title: An invitation to the Singer conjecture
AMS Special Session on “Recent Advances in Geometry and Topology” – Florida State University, Tallahasse USA (March 23-24, 2024)
Title: On the signature of aspherical 4-manifolds
Colloquium – University of Milan, Italy (May 11th, 2023)
Title: An invitation to the Singer conjecture
AMS Special Session on “Singer-Hopf Conjecture in Geometry and Topology” – Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta USA (March 18th, 2023)
Title: On the geography of aspherical 4-manifolds
Geometry & Topology Seminar – Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta USA (March 17th, 2023)
Title: Aspherical 4-manifolds and (almost) complex structures
Geometry & Topology Seminar – University of Waterloo, Waterloo Canada (March 9th, 2023)
Title: Complex structures on 4-manifolds
Geometry & Topology Seminar – Stony Brook University, Stony Brook USA (April 26th, 2022)
Title: Extended Graph Manifolds, Dehn Fillings, and Einstein Metrics SLIDES
Geometry & Topology Seminar – Duke University, Durham USA (April 18th, 2022)
Title: Extended Graph Manifolds, Dehn Fillings, and Einstein Metrics RECORDING
Topology & Singularities Seminar – University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison USA (December 13th, 2021)
Title: L2-type invariants and graph-like manifolds SLIDES1 & SLIDES2
Colloquium – University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro USA (December 1st, 2021)
Title: Extended graph manifolds, and Einstein metrics SLIDES
Geometry and Topology Seminar – Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (November 4th, 2021)
Title: Extended Graph 4-Manifolds, and Einstein Metrics SLIDES
Oberseminar Differential Geometry – University of M\”unster, M\”unster Germany (June 14th, 2021)
Title: Higher graph manifolds and Singer conjecture SLIDES
Geometric Analysis Seminar – University of Maryland, College Park USA (February 16th, 2021)
Title: The Singer conjecture in dimension three revisited and its extensions RECORDING
Geometry & Topology Seminar – Duke University, Durham USA (January 25th, 2021)
Title: The Singer conjecture in dimension three revisited and its extensions
Geometry & Topology Seminar – Michigan State University, East Lansing USA
Title: Price Inequalities and Benjamini-Schramm Convergence
University Math Society Talk (Outreach Talk) – University of Florida, Gainesville USA
Title: Grigori Perelman and the saga of 3-manifolds
Arbeitstagung 2019 – Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (MPIM), Bonn Germany
Title: Complex hyperbolic surfaces with cusps
Ball Quotients Surfaces and Lattices – Centre International de Recontres Mathematiques (CIRM), Luminy France
Title: Seshadri constants, fake projective planes, and related topics SLIDES
Research supported in part by the National Science Foundation