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5. Ulanowicz, R.E. 1972. Mass and energy flow in closed ecosystems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 34:239-253.
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63. Ulanowicz, R. E. 1990. Ecosystem integrity and network theory. pp. 69-77. In: C.J. Edwards and H.A. Regier (eds.) An Ecosystem Approach to the Integrity of the Great Lakes in Turbulent Times Great Lakes Fish Comm. Spec. Pub. 90-4.
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75. Ulanowicz, R.E. 1992. Ecosystem health and trophic flow networks. pp. 190-225. In: R. Costanza, B.G. Norton, and B.D. Haskell (eds.) Ecosystem Health: New Goals for Environmental Management Island Press, Washington, DC.
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98. Bondavalli, C., A. Bodini and R.E. Ulanowicz. 1997. Government organizations and Great Lakes rehabilitation Proceedings of the Eighth National Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology 18:213-215.
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103. Ulanowicz, R.E. 1998. Network orientors: Theoretical and philosophical considerations why ecosystems may exhibit a propensity to increase in ascendency. pp. 177-192. In: F. Mueller and M. Leupelt [eds.] Eco Targets, Goal Functions, and Orientors Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
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113. Ulanowicz, R.E.. 2000. Ascendency: A measure of ecosystem performance. Pp. 303-315. In: S.E. Joergensen and F. Mueller (Eds.) Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. Lewis Publications, Boca Raton.
114. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2000. Toward the measurement of ecological integrity. Pp. 99-113. In: Pimentel, D., L. Westra and R.F. Noss (Eds.), Ecological Integrity: Integrating Environment, Conservation and Health Island Press, Washington. DC.
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128. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2002. The balance between adaptability and adaptation. BioSystems 64:13-22.
130. Heymans, J.J., R.E. Ulanowicz, and C. Bondavalli. 2002. Network analysis of the South Florida graminoid marshes and comparison with nearby cypress ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 149:5-23.
137. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2003. Some steps toward a central theory of ecosystem dynamics. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27:523-530. Reprinted in Ecological Questions 5:23-32. [2004]
139. Patricio, J., R. Ulanowicz, M.A. Pardal, and J.C. Marques. 2004. Ascendency as an ecological indicator: A case study of estuarine pulse eutrophication. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60:23-35.
142. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2004. On the nature of ecodynamics. Ecological Complexity 1:341-354.
145. Belgrano, A., U.M. Scharler, J. Dunne, and R.E. Ulanowicz (Eds.) 2005. Aquatic Food Webs: An Ecosystem Approach Oxford University Press, Oxford. 262p.
150. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2005. The complex nature of ecodynamics. Pp. 303-329 In: D. Bonchev, and D.M. Rouvray, (Eds.) Complexity in Chemistry, Biology, and Ecology Springer-Verlag, New York.
151. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2005. A revolution in the middle kingdom? Pp. 73-90. In: H. Lillienstroem and U. Svedin (Eds.) Micro-Meso-Macro: Addressing Complex Systems Couplings World Scientific, London.
158. Joergensen, S.E, B.D. Fath, S. Bastianoni, J.C. Marques, F. Mueller, S.N. Nielsen, B.C. Patten, E. Tiezzi and R.E. Ulanowicz. 2007. A New Ecology: Systems Perspective Elsevier, Amsterdam. 275p.
173. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2009. The dual nature of ecosystem dynamics. Ecological Modelling 220:1886-1892.
184. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2011. Quantitative Methods for Ecological Network Analysis and Its Application to Coastal Ecosystems. Pp. 35 – 57 In: Wolanski E. and McLusky D.S. (Eds.) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science Vol 9. Waltham: Academic Press.
192. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2013. Circumscribed complexity in ecological networks. pp. 249-258. In: M. Dehmer, A. Mowshowitz and F. Emmert-Streib (Eds.) Advances in Network Complexity, Volume 4. Weinheim : Wiley-Blackwell.
193. Ulanowicz, R.E., R.D. Holt and M. Barfield. 2014. Limits on ecosystem trophic complexity: Insights from ecological network analysis. Ecology Letters 17:127–136.
195. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2014. Reckoning the nonexistent: Putting the science right. Ecological Modelling 293:22–30.
197. González, J., Ortiza, M., Rodríguez-Zaragozad, F., Ulanowicz, R.E., 2016. Assessment of long-term changes of ecosystem indexes in Tongoy Bay(SE Pacific coast): Based on trophic network analysis Ecological Indicators 69:390-399.
201. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2017. Towards a Global Understanding of Development and Evolution Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2017.07.008.
202. Xu, Z., Cheng, G., Ulanowicz, R.E., Song, X., Deng, X. and Zhong, F. 2018. The Common Developmental Road: Tensions among Centripetal and Centrifugal Dynamics National Science Review, 5(3):417-426, doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwx033/3101042.
203. Gatti, R.C., Fath, B., Hordijk, W., Kauffman, S. and Ulanowicz, R.E. 2018. Niche emergence as an autocatalytic process in the evolution of ecosystems. J. Theor. Biol. 454:110-117.
204. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2018. Biodiversity, functional redundancy and system stability: Subtle connections. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 15(147):20180367.
205. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2018. Dimensions missing from ecology. Philosophies 3(3):24.
206. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2019. The tripartite nature of causalities in ecosystem dynamics. Current Opinion in Systems Biology 13:129–135.
209. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2019. Information across the ecological hierarchy. Entropy 21:949–955.
210. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2020. Quantifying sustainable balance in ecosystem configurations. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 1:1–6.
211. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2020. Ecological Clues to the Nature of Consciousness. Entropy 22:611-621; doi:10.3390/e22060611.
212. Cazzolla-Gatti, R., R. Koppl, B.D. Fath, S. Kauffman, W. Hordijk and R.E.Ulanowicz. 2020. On the emergence of ecological and economic niches. J. Bioeconomics doi:10.1007/s10818-020-09295-4.
213. Ulanowicz, R.E. 2021. Socio-ecological networks: A lens that focuses beyond physics. J. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Vol. 9. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.643122.