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1. Holt, R.D. 1977. Predation, apparent competition, and the structure of prey communitiesTheoretical Population Biology 12: 197-229.

2. Holt, R.D. 1979. Report on species border researchThe Third Anolis Newsletter. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.

3. MacLean, W.P. and R.D. Holt. 1979. Distributional patterns in St. Croix Sphaerodactylus lizards: the taxon cycle in actionBiotropica 11: 189-195.

4. Holt, R.D. 1979. Predation and the Structure of Ecological Communities. Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University.

5. Holt, R.D. 1981. Review of “The Natural Selection of Populations and Communities” by D.S. Wilson. Bioscience 31: 66.

6. Holt, R.D. 1983. Optimal foraging and the form of the predator isoclineThe American Naturalist 122: 521-541.

7. Holt, R.D. 1983. Immigration and the dynamics of peripheral populations. Pages 680-694 in K. Miyata and A. Rhodin, eds. Advances in Herpetology and Evolutionary Biology. Harvard University.

8. Holt, R.D. 1983. Models for peripheral populations: the role of immigration. Pages 25-32 in H.I. Freedman and C. Strobeck, eds. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

9. Holt, R.D. 1984. Spatial heterogeneity, indirect interactions, and the coexistence of prey speciesThe American Naturalist 124: 377-406.

10. Gurri-Glass, G., R.D. Holt, and N. Slade. 1985. Infanticide as an evolutionary stable strategyAnimal Behavior 33: 384-391.

11. Holt, R.D. and J. Pickering. 1985. Infectious disease and species coexistence: a model of Lotka-Volterra formThe American Naturalist 126: 196-211.

12. Holt, R.D. 1985. Population dynamics in two-patch environments: some anomalous consequences of an optimal habitat distributionTheoretical Population Biology 28: 181-208.

13. Holt, R.D. 1985. Density-independent mortality, non-linear competitive interactions, and species coexistence. Journal of Theoretical Biology 116: 479-493.

14. Holt, R.D. 1987. On the relation between niche overlap and competition: the effect of incommensurable niche dimensionsOikos 48:110-114.

15. Holt, R.D. and B.P. Kotler. 1987. Short-term apparent competitionThe American Naturalist 130:412-430.

16. Holt, R.D. 1987. Prey communities in patchy environmentsOikos 50:276-290.

17. Holt, R.D. 1987. Population dynamics and evolutionary processes: the manifold effects of habitat selectionEvolutionary Ecology 1:331-347.

18. Kotler, B.P. and R.D. Holt. 1989. Predation and competition: the interaction of two types of species interactionsOikos 54:256-260.

19. Polis, G.A., C.A. Myers, and R.D. Holt. 1989. The ecology and evolution of intraguild predationAnnual Review of Ecology and Systematics 20: 297-330.

20. Louda, S.M., K.H. Keeler, and R.D. Holt. 1990. Herbivore influences on plant performance and competitive interactions. Pages 413-444 in J.B. Grace and D. Tilman, eds. Perspectives in Plant Competition. Academic Press, New York.

21. Holt, R.D. 1990. The microevolutionary consequences of climate changeTrends in Ecology and Evolution 5: 311-315.

22. Holt, R.D. 1990. Birds under selection. Review of “Evolutionary Dynamics of a Natural Population” by B.R. Grant and P.R. Grant. Science 249: 306-307.

23. Hochberg, M.E. and R.D. Holt. 1990. The coexistence of competing parasites. I. The role of cross-species infectionThe American Naturalist 136: 517-541.

24. Jaenike, J. and R.D. Holt. 1991. Genetic variation for habitat preference: evidence and explanationThe American Naturalist 137: S67-S90 (supplement).

25. Holt, R.D. and K.C. Parker. 1991. Evolve: a desktop laboratory of evolutionQuarterly Review of Biology 66: 241-242.

26. Holt, R.D. 1992. Theoretical ecology. Pages 272-274 in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, volume 3. McGraw-Hill, New York.

27. Holt, R.D. 1992. Population ecology. Pages 191-196 in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, volume 3. McGraw-Hill, New York.

28. Holt, R.D. 1992. A neglected facet of island biogeography: the role of internal spatial dynamics in area effectsTheoretical Population Biology 41: 354-371.

29. Gaines, M.S., M. Johnson, R.D. Holt, G.R. Robinson, and J. Diffendorfer. 1992. The effects of habitat fragmentation on small mammal populations. Pages 875-885 in D.R. McCullough and R.H. Barrett, eds. Wildlife 2001. Elsevier Press.

30. Polis, G.A. and R.D. Holt. 1992. Intraguild predation: the dynamics of complex trophic interactionsTrends in Ecology and Evolution 7: 151-155.

31. Holt, R.D. and M.S. Gaines. 1992. The analysis of adaptation in heterogeneous landscapes: implications for the evolution of fundamental nichesEvolutionary Ecology 6:433-447.

32. McPeek, M.A. and R.D. Holt. 1992. The evolution of dispersal in spatially and temporally varying environmentsThe American Naturalist 6: 1010-1027.

33. Robinson, G.R., R.D. Holt, M.S. Gaines, S.P. Hamburg, M.L. Johnson, H.S. Fitch, and E.A. Martinko. 1992. Diverse and contrasting effects of habitat fragmentationScience 257: 524-526.

34. Cohen, J.E., R.A. Beaver, S.H. Cousins, D.L. DeAngelis, L. Goldwasser, K.L. Heong, and R.D. Holt, 1993. Improving food webs. Ecology 74: 252-258.

35. Marquet, P.A., R.D. Holt et al. 1993. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of patchiness: a marine-terrestrial perspective. Pages 277-304 in T. Powell, S. Levin, and J. Steele, eds. Patch Dynamics in Marine and Terrestrial Environments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

36. Holt, R.D. and M.P. Hassell. 1993. Environmental heterogeneity and the stability of host-parasitoid interactionsJournal of Animal Ecology 62: 89-100.

37. Holt, R.D. and M.S. Gaines. 1993. The influence of regional processes on local communities. Examples from an experimentally fragmented landscape. Pages 260-276 in T. Powell, S. Levin, and J. Steele, eds. Patch Dynamics in Marine and Terrestrial Environments. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

38. Holt, R.D. 1993. In peace, and in war. Review of “Natural Enemies” by Michael J.Crawley. Nature 362: 301.

39. Holt, R.D. 1993. Ecology at the mesoscale: the influence of regional processes on local communities. Pages 77-88 in R. Ricklefs and D. Schluter, eds. Species Diversity in Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

40. Holt, R.D. and J.H. Lawton. 1993. Apparent competition and enemy-free space in insect host-parasitoid communitiesThe American Naturalist 142: 623-645.

41. Holt, R.D. 1993. Infectious diseases of wildlife, in theory and in practiceTrends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 2-5.

42. Gaines, M.S., J. Foster, J.E. Diffendorfer, W.E. Sera, R.D. Holt, and G.R. Robinson. 1993. Population processes and biological diversityTransactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 57: 252-262.

43. Godfray, H.C.J., M.P. Hassell, and R.D. Holt. 1994. The population dynamic consequences of phenological asynchrony between parasitoids and their hostsJournal of Animal Ecology 63: 1-10.

44. Holt, R.D. 1994. Linking species and ecosystems: where’s Darwin? Pages 273-279 in C. Jones and J. Lawton, eds. Linking Species and Ecosystems. Chapman and Hall, London.

45. Holt, R.D., J. Grover, and D. Tilman. 1994. Simple rules for interspecific dominance in systems with exploitative and apparent competitionThe American Naturalist 144: 741-777.

46. Holt, R.D. and J.H. Lawton. 1994. The ecological consequences of shared natural enemiesAnnual Review of Ecology and Systematics 25: 495-520.

47. Gaines, M.S., J.E. Diffendorfer, J. Foster, F.P. Wray, and R.D. Holt. 1994. The effects of habitat fragmentation on population species of small mammals in eastern Kansas. Polish Ecological Studies 20: 159-171.

48. Gomulkiewicz, R. and R.D. Holt. 1995. When does evolution by natural selection prevent extinction? Evolution 49: 201-207.

49. Holt, R.D., D. Debinski, J. Diffendorfer, M. Gaines, E. Martinko, G. Robinson, and G. Ward. 1995. Perspectives from an experimental study of habitat fragmentation in an agroecosystem. Pages 147-175 in D. Glen, M. Graves and H. Anderson, eds. Arable Ecosystems for the 21st Century. Wiley, New York.

50. Diffendorfer, J.E., M.S. Gaines and R.D. Holt. 1995. Habitat fragmentation and movements of three small mammalsEcology 76: 827-839.

51. Holt, R.D., S.W. Pacala, T.W. Smith, and J. Liu. 1995. Linking contemporary vegetation models and spatially explicit animal population modelsEcological Applications 5: 20-27.

52. Read, A.F., S.D. Albon, J. Antonovics, V. Apanius, G. Dwyer, R.D. Holt, O. Judson, C.M. Lively, A. Martin-Lof, A.R. McLean, J.A.J. Metz, P. Schmid-Hempel, P.H. Thrall, S. Via, and K. Wilson. 1995. Group Report: Genetics and evolution of infectious diseases in natural populations. Pages 450-477 in B. Grenfell and A. Dobson, eds. Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations. Cambridge University Press.

53. Diffendorfer, J.E., N.A. Slade, M.S. Gaines, and R.D. Holt. 1995. Population dynamics of small mammals in fragmented and continuous old-field habitats. Pages 175-199 in W. Lidicker, ed. Landscape Approaches in Mammalian Ecology and Conservation. University of Minnesota Press.

54. Hochberg, M.E. and R.D. Holt. 1995. Refuge evolution and the population dynamics of coupled host-parasitoid associations. Evolutionary Ecology 9: 633-661.

55. Holt, R.D, G.R. Robinson, and M.S. Gaines. 1995. Vegetation dynamics in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology 76: 1610-1624.

56. Holt, R.D. 1996. Food webs in space: an island biogeographic perspective. Pages 313-323 in G. Polis and K. Winemiller, eds. Food Webs: Contemporary Perspectives. Chapman and Hall.

57. Holt, R.D. 1996. Temporal and spatial aspects of food web structure and dynamics. Pages 255-257 in G. Polis and K. Winemiller, eds. Food Webs: Contemporary Perspectives. Chapman and Hall.

58. Polis, G.A., R.D. Holt, B.A. Menge, and K.O. Winemiller. 1996. Time, space, and life history: influences on food webs. Pages 435-460 in G. Polis and K. Winemiller, eds. Food Webs: Contemporary Perspectives. Chapman and Hall.

59. Holt, R.D. 1996. Demographic constraints in evolution: towards unifying the evolutionary theories of senescence and niche conservatismEvolutionary Ecology 10: 1-11.

60. Holt, R.D. 1996. Adaptive evolution in source-sink environments: direct and indirect effects of density-dependence on niche evolutionOikos 75: 182-192.

61. Maurer, B.A. and R.D. Holt. 1996. Effects of chronic pesticide stress on wildlife populations in complex landscapes: processes at multiple scalesEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15: 420-426.

62. Holt, R.D. 1996. Darwin goes to the doctor. Review of “Why We Get Sick” by R.M. Ness and G.C. Williams. Ecology 77: 983-984.

63. Smith, V.H. and R.D. Holt. 1996. Resource competition and within-host disease dynamics. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11: 386-389.

64. Diffendorfer, J.E., R.D. Holt, N.A. Slade, and M.S. Gaines. 1996. Small mammal community patterns in old fields: distinguishing site-specific from regional processes. Pages 421-466 in M.L. Cody and J.A. Smallwood, eds. Long-term Studies of Vertebrate Communities. Academic Press, New York.

65. Holt, R.D. and M.A. McPeek. 1996. Chaotic population dynamics favors the evolution of dispersalThe American Naturalist 148: 709-718.

66. Holt, R.D. 1996. Review of “Species Diversity in Space and Time” by M.L. Rosenzweig. Quarterly Review of Biology 71: 568.

67. Holt, R.D. 1997. Rarity and evolution: some theoretical considerations. Pages 209-234 in W.E. Kunin and K.J. Gaston, eds. The Biology of Rarity. Chapman & Hall, London.

69. Grover, J and R.D. Holt. 1997. Plants in trophic webs. Pages 556-567 in M.J. Crawley, ed. Plant Ecology, 2nd ed. Blackwell, Oxford.

70. Holt, R.D. and R. Gomulkiewicz. 1997. The evolution of species’ niches: a population dynamic perspective. Pages 25-50 in H. Othmer, F. Adler, M. Lewis and J. Dallon, eds. Case Studies in Mathematical Modelling: Ecology, Physiology, and Cell Biology. Prentice-Hall.

71. Holt, R.D., J.H. Lawton, K.J. Gaston, and T.M. Blackburn. 1997. On the relationship between range size and local abundance: back to basicsOikos 78: 183-190.

72. Holt, R.D. and R. Gomulkiewicz. 1997. How does immigration influence local adaptation? A reexamination of a familiar paradigmThe American Naturalist 149: 563-572.

73. Holt, R.D. and G.A. Polis. 1997. A theoretical framework for intraguild predationThe American Naturalist. 149: 745-764.

74. Holt, R.D. and M.E. Hochberg. 1997. When is biological control evolutionarily stable (or is it)? Ecology 78: 1673-1683.

75. Holt, R.D. 1997. On the evolutionary stability of sink populationsEvolutionary Ecology 11: 723-731.

76. Holt, R.D. 1997. Community modules. Pages 333-349 in A.C. Gange and V.K. Brown, eds. Multitrophic Interactions in Terrestrial Ecosystems, 36th Symposium of the British Ecological Society. Blackwell Science, Hoboken, NJ.

77. Polis, G.A., W.B. Anderson and R.D. Holt. 1997. Toward an integration of landscape ecology and food web ecology: the dynamics of spatially subsidized food websAnnual Review of Ecology and Systematics 28: 289-316.

78. Lawton, J.H., R.D. Holt et al. 1998. Biodiversity inventories, indicator taxa and effects of habitat modification in tropical forest. Nature 391: 72-76.

79. Abrams, P.A., R.D. Holt, and J.D. Roth. 1998. Apparent competition or apparent mutualism? Shared predation when populations cycleEcology 79: 201-212.

80. Grover, J.P. and R.D. Holt. 1998. Disentangling resource and apparent competition: realistic models for plant-herbivore communitiesJournal of Theoretical Biology 191: 353-376.

81. Wilson, H.B., R.D. Holt, and M.P. Hassell. 1998. Persistence and area effects in a stochastic tritrophic modelThe American Naturalist 151: 587-596

82. Holt, R. D and M.E. Hochberg. 1998. The coexistence of competing parasites. II. Hyperparasitism and food chain dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 193: 485-495.

83. Alexander, H.M. and R.D. Holt. 1998. The interaction between plant competition and diseasePerspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 1: 206-220.

84. Holt, R.D., M.E. Hochberg, and M. Barfield. 1999. Population dynamics and the evolutionary stability of biological control. Pages 219-230 in B. Hawkins and H. Cornell, eds. Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

85. Hochberg, M.E. and R.D. Holt. 1999. The uniformity and density of pest exploitation as guides to success in biological control. Pages 71-88 in B. Hawkins and H. Cornell, eds. Theoretical Approaches to Biological Control. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

86. Holt, R.D., J.H. Lawton, G.A. Polis, and N. Martinez. 1999. Trophic rank and the species-area relationEcology 80: 1495-1504.

86a. Holt, R.D., M.A. McPeek, N.A. Moran, and J. Seger. 1999. 1998 Sewall Wright Award: William Donald Hamilton. The American Naturalist 153: i-ii.

87. Gomulkiewicz, R., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 1999. The effects of density dependence and immigration on local adaptation and niche evolution in a black-hole sink environmentTheoretical Population Biology 55: 283-296.

88. Diffendorfer, J.E., M.S. Gaines, and R.D. Holt. 1999. Patterns and impacts of movements at different scales in small mammals. Pages 63-88 in G. Barrett and J. Peles, eds. Landscape Ecology of Small Mammals. Springer-Verlag, New York.

89. Schweiger, E.W., J.E. Diffendorfer, R. Pierotti and R.D. Holt. 1999. The relative importance of small-scale and landscape-level heterogeneity in structuring small mammal distributions. Pages 175-210 in G. Barrett and J. Peles, eds. Landscape Ecology of Small Mammals. Springer-Verlag, New York.

90. Holt, R.D. and M.A. Bowers. 1999. Experimental design at the landscape scale. Pages 263-286 in G. Barrett and J. Peles, eds. Landscape Ecology of Small Mammals. Springer-Verlag, New York.

91. Osenberg, C.W., O. Sarnelle, S.D. Cooper, and R.D. Holt. 1999. Resolving ecological questions through meta-analysis: goals, metrics and modelsEcology 80: 1105-1117.

92. Yao, J., R.D. Holt, P. Rich, and W. Marshall. 1999. Woody plant colonization in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecography 22: 715-728.

93. Holt, R.D. 1999. Putting food webs into context. Review of “Vertical Food Web Interactions” edited by K. Dettner, G. Bauer and W. Volkl. Ecology 80: 2804-2806.

94. Shulenberger, L., T. Yalcinyaka, Y.C. Lai, and R.D. Holt. 1999. Controlling transient chaos to prevent species extinctionPhysics Letters A 260: 156-161.

95. Debinski, D. and R.D. Holt. 2000. A survey and overview of habitat fragmentation experimentsConservation Biology 14: 1-13.

96. Holt, R.D. and T. Keitt. 2000. Alternative causes for range limits: a metapopulation perspectiveEcology Letters 3: 41-47.

97. Hochberg, M.E., R. Gomulkiewicz, R.D. Holt, and J.N. Thompson. 2000. Weak sinks could cradle mutualistic symbioses–strong sources should harbour parasitic symbiosesJournal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 213-222.

98. Gomulkiewicz, R., J.N. Thompson, R.D. Holt, S.L. Nuismer, and M.E. Hochberg. 2000. Hot spots, cold spots, and the geographic mosaic theory of coevolutionThe American Naturalist 156: 156-174.

99. Holt, R.D. 2000. A biogeographical and landscape perspective on within-host infection dynamics. Pages 583-588 in C.R. Bell, M. Brylinsky and P. Johnson-Green, eds. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology. Atlantic Canada Society for Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Canada.

100. Schweiger, W., J. Diffendorfer, R.D. Holt and R. Pierotti. 2000. The interaction of habitat fragmentation, plant, and small mammal succession in an old fieldEcological Monographs: 70: 383-400.

101. Schmidt, K.A., J.M. Earnhardt, J.S. Brown, and R.D. Holt. 2000. Habitat selection under temporal heterogeneity: sinking the ghost of competition pastEcology 81: 2622-2630.

102. Holt, R.D. 2000. Trophic cascades in terrestrial systems. Reflections on Polis et alTrends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 444-445.

103. Holt, R.D. 2000. Use it or lose itNature 407: 689-690.

104. Estes, J., K. Crooks, and R.D. Holt. 2001. Predators, ecological role of. Pages 857-878 in S. Levin, ed. The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Vol. 4. Academic Press.

105. Holt, R.D. 2001. Species coexistence. Pages 413-426 in S. Levin, ed. The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Vol. 5. Academic Press.

106. Holt, R.D. and M.E. Hochberg. 2001. Indirect interactions, community modules, and biological control: a theoretical perspective. Pages 13-37 in E. Waijnberg, J.K. Scott and P.C. Quimby, eds. Evaluation of Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control. CAB International.

107. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2001. On the relationship between the ideal-free distribution and the evolution of dispersal. Pages 83-95 in J. Clobert E., Danchin, A. Dhondt and J. Nichols, eds. Dispersal. Oxford University Press.

108. Cook, W., R.D. Holt,  and J. Yao. 2001. Spatial variability in oviposition damage by periodical cicadas in a fragmented landscapeOecologia 127: 51-61.

109. Harrison, M.A., Y.C. Lai, and R. D. Holt. 2001. Dynamical mechanism for coexistence of dispersing species without trade-offs in spatially extended ecological systemsPhysical Review E 63: 1-5.

110. Keitt, T.H., M.A. Lewis, and R.D. Holt. 2001. Allee effects, invasion pinning, and species’ bordersThe American Naturalist 157: 203-216.

111. Thompson, J.N., O.J. Reichman, P.J. Morin, G.A. Polis, M.E. Power, R.W. Sterner, C.A. Couch, L. Gough, R.D. Holt, et al. 2001. Frontiers of Ecology: As ecological research enters a new era of collaboration, integration, and technological sophistication, four frontiers seem paramount for understanding how biological and physical processes interact over multiple spatial and temporal scales to shape the earth’s biodiversity.  Bioscience 51:15-24.

112. Harrison, M.A., Y.C. Lai, and R.D. Holt. 2001. Dynamical mechanism for coexistence of dispersing speciesJournal of Theoretical Biology 213: 53-72.

113. Dhamala, M., Y.C. Lai, and R.D. Holt. 2001. How often are chaotic transients in spatially extended ecological systems? Phys. Lett. A 280: 297-302.

114. Holt, R. D. and M. Loreau. 2002. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: the role of trophic interactions and the importance of system openness. Pages 246-262 in A. Kinzig and S. Pacala, eds. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

115. Chase, J.M., P.A. Abrams, J. Grover, S. Diehl, R.D. Holt, S. Richards et al. 2002. The interaction between predation and competition: a review and synthesisEcology Letters 5: 302-315.

116. Holt, R. D. and M. E. Hochberg. 2002. Virulence on the edge: a source-sink perspective. Pages 104-120 in U. Dieckmann, J.A.J. Metz, M.W. Sabelis and K. Sigmund, eds. Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: In Pursuit of Virulence Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

117. Hochberg, M. E. and R. D. Holt. 2002. Biogeographical perspectives on arms races. Pages 197-209 in U. Dieckmann, J.A.J. Metz, M.W. Sabelis and K. Sigmund, eds. Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: In Pursuit of Virulence Management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

118. Holt, R.D. 2002. Food webs in space: On the interplay of dynamic instability and spatial processesEcological Research 17: 261-273.

119. Cook, W. M. and R.D. Holt. 2002. Periodical cicada (Magicicada cassini) oviposition damage: visually impressive yet dynamically irrelevantAmerican Midland Naturalist 147: 214-224.

120. Cook, W. M., K. T. Lane, B. L. Foster, and R.D. Holt 2002. Island theory, matrix effects and species richness patterns in habitat fragmentsEcology Letters 5: 619-623.

121. Kawecki, T.J. and R.D. Holt 2002. Evolutionary consequences of asymmetric dispersal ratesThe American Naturalist 160: 333-347.

122. Abrams, P.A. and R.D. Holt 2002. The impact of consumer-resource cycles on the coexistence of competing consumers. Theoretical Population Biology 62: 281-295.

123. Gonzalez, A. and R.D. Holt. 2002. The inflationary effects of environmental fluctuations in source-sink systemsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 99: 14872-14877.

124. Holt, R.D., R. Gomulkiewicz, and M. Barfield. 2003. The phenomenology of niche evolution via quantitative traits in a ‘black-hole’ sinkProceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 270: 215-224.

125. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2003. Impact of temporal variation on apparent competition and coexistence in open ecosystems. Oikos 101: 49-58.

126. Holt, R.D. 2003. On the evolutionary ecology of species rangesEvolutionary Ecology Research 5: 159-178.

127. Holt, R.D. and D.M. Debinski. 2003. Reflections on landscape experiments and ecological theory: tools for the study of habitat fragmentation. Pages 201-223 in G.A. Bradshaw and P. Marquet, eds. How Landscapes Change: Human Disturbance and Ecosystems in the Americas. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

128. Kelly, J.K., S. Williamson, M.E. Orive, M.S. Smith, and R.D. Holt. 2003. Linking dynamical and population genetic models of persistent viral infectionThe American Naturalist 162: 14-28.

129. Peterson, A.T. and R.D. Holt. 2003. Niche differentiation in Mexican birds: using point occurence data to detect ecological innovationEcology Letters 6: 774-782.

130. Lafferty, K.D. and R.D. Holt. 2003. How should environmental stress affect the population dynamics of disease? Ecology Letters 6: 654-664.

131. Palmer, M.A., P. Arzberger, J.E. Cohen, A. Hastings, R.D. Holt, J.L. Morse, D.W. Sumners, and Z. Luthey-Schulter. 2003. Accelerating mathematical-biological linkages: Report of a joint NSF-NIH workshop. Held February 12-13, 2003 at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.

132. Abrams, P. A., C. E. Brassil, and R. D. Holt. 2003. Dynamics and responses to mortality rates of competing predators undergoing predator-prey cyclesTheoretical Population Biology 64: 163-176.

133. Loreau, M., N. Mouquet, and R.D. Holt. 2003. Meta-ecosystems: a framework for a spatial ecosystem ecologyEcology Letters 6: 673-679.

134. Holt, R.D., A.P. Dobson, M. Begon, R.G. Bowers, and E. Schauber. 2003. Parasite establishment in host communities. Ecology Letters 6: 837-842.

135. Packer, C., R.D. Holt, A. Dobson, and P. Hudson. 2003. Keeping the herds healthy and alert: impacts of predation upon prey with specialist pathogens. Ecology Letters 6: 797-802.

136. Holt, R.D., M. Barfield, and A. Gonzalez 2003. Impacts of environmental variability in open populations and communities: “inflation” in sink environmentsTheoretical Population Biology 64: 315-330.

137. Bonsall, M.B. and R.D. Holt. 2003. The effects of enrichment on the dynamics of apparent competitive interactions in stage-structured systemsThe American Naturalist 162: 780-795.

138. Holt, R.D., T.M. Knight, and M. Barfield. 2004. Allee effects, immigration, and the evolution of species’ niches. The American Naturalist 163: 253-262.

139. Ostfeld, R.S. and R.D. Holt. 2004. Are predators good for your health? Evaluating evidence for top down regulation of zoonotic reservoirsFrontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 13-20.

140. Huxel, G.R., A. Hastings, G.A. Polis, and R.D. Holt. 2004. At the frontier of the integration of food web ecology and landscape ecology. Pages 434-452 in G.A. Polis, G.R. Huxel and M.Power, eds. Food Webs at the Landscape Scale: The Ecology of Trophic Flow across Habitats. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

141. Holt, R.D. 2004. Implications of system openness for local community structure and ecosystem function. Pages 96-114 in G.A. Polis, G.R. Huxel and M.Power, eds. Food Webs at the Landscape Scale: The Ecology of Trophic Flow across Habitats. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

142. Sears, A.L.W., R.D. Holt and G.A. Polis. 2004. Feast and Famine in food webs: the effects of pulsed productivity. Pages 359-386 in G.A. Polis, G.R. Huxel and M.Power, eds. Food Webs at the Landscape Scale: The Ecology of Trophic Flow across Habitats. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

143. Loreau, M. and R.D. Holt. 2004. Spatial flows and the regulation of ecosystemsThe American Naturalist, 163: 606-615.

144. Leibold, M.A., M. Holyoak, N. Mouquet, P. Amarasekare, J. M. Chase, M. F. Hoopes, R. D. Holt, J. B. Shurin, R. Law, D. Tilman, M. Loreau,  and A. Gonzalez. 2004. The metacommunity concept: a framework for multi-scale community ecology. Ecology Letters 7: 601-613.

145. Shurin, J.B., P. Amarasekare, J.M. Chase, R.D. Holt, M.F. Hoopes, R. Law, and M.A. Leibold. 2004. Alternative stable states and regional community structureJournal of Theoretical Biology 227: 359-368.

146. Holt, R.D., M. Barfield, and R. Gomulkiewicz. 2004. Temporal variation can facilitate niche evolution in harsh sink environmentsThe American Naturalist 164: 187-200. Supplementary Information.

147. Holt, R.D. and N. Slade. 2004. Constraints come in many colors. Pages 308-315 in M.L. Taper and S. Lele, eds. The Nature of Scientific Evidence: Empirical, Statistical and Philosophical Considerations. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

148. Holt, R.D. 2004. Reconciliation ecology, or resignation ecology? The challenge of living with nature. Review of “Win-win ecology: how the earth’s species can survive in the midst of the human enterprise” by Michael L. Rosenzweig. Ecology 85: 2056-2057.

149. Loreau, M., C. de Mazancourt, and R.D. Holt. 2004. Ecosystems evolution and conservation. Pages 327-343 in R. Ferriere, U. Dieckmann and D. Couvet, eds. Evolutionary Conservation Biology. Cambridge University Press.

150. Holt, R.D. and R. Gomulkiewicz. 2004. Conservation implication of niche conservatism and evolution in heterogeneous environments. Pages 244-264 in R. Ferriere, U. Dieckmann and D. Couvet, eds. Evolutionary Conservation Biology. Cambridge University Press, New York.

151. Kimbrell, T. and R.D. Holt. 2004. On the interplay of predator switching and prey evasion in determining the stability of predator-prey dynamicsIsrael Journal of Zoology 50: 187-205. (Special issue on foraging ecology)

152. Holt, R.D. and T.H. Keitt. 2005. Species’ borders: a unifying theme in ecologyOikos 108: 3-6.

153. Holt, R.D., T.H. Keitt, M.A. Lewis, B.A. Maurer and M.L. Taper. 2005. Theoretical models of species’ borders: single species approaches. Oikos 108: 18-27.

154. Holt, R.D. and T. Boulinier. 2005. Ecosystems and parasitism: the spatial dimension. Pages 68-84 in F. Thomas, F. Renaud and I.F. Guegan, eds. Parasitism and Ecosystems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

155. Case, T.J., R.D. Holt, M.A. McPeek and T.H. Keitt. 2005. The community context of species’ borders: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Oikos 108: 28-46.

156. Orive, M.E. , M.N. Stearns, J.K. Kelly, M. Barfield and R.D. Holt. 2005. Viral infection in internally structured hosts. I. Conditions for persistent infectionJournal of Theoretical Biology 232: 453-466. Supplementary Information.

157. Ziv, Y., M.L. Rosenzweig and R.D. Holt. 2005. SHALOM: a landscape simulation model for understanding animal biodiversity. Pages 70-88 in M. Shachak , J.R. Gosz, S.T.A. Pickett and A. Perevolotsky, eds. Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

158. Polis, G.A., Y. Ayal, A. Bachi, S.R.X. Dall, D.E. Goldberg, R.D. Holt, S. Kark, B.P. Kotler and W.A. Mitchell. 2005. Interspecific interactions and species diversity in drylands. Pages 122-149 in M. Shachak , J.R. Gosz, S.T.A. Pickett and A. Perevolotsky, eds. Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

159. Cook, W.M., J. Yao, B.L. Foster, R.D. Holt, and L.B. Patrick. 2005. Secondary succession in an experimentally fragmented landscape: community patterns across space and timeEcology 86: 1267-1279.

160. Fryxell, J.M., J.F. Wilmshurst, A.R.E. Sinclair, D.T. Haydon, R.D. Holt, and P.A. Abrams. 2005. Landscape scale, heterogeneity, and the viability of Serengeti grazersEcology Letters 8: 328-335.

161. Knight, T.M. and R.D. Holt. 2005. Fire generates spatial gradients in herbivory: an example from a Florida sandhill ecosystemEcology 86: 587-593.

162. Smith, V.H., B.L. Foster, J.P. Grover, R.D. Holt, M.A. Leibold, and F. deNoyelles Jr. 2005. Phytoplankton species richness scales consistently from laboratory microcosms to the world’s oceansProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 102: 4393-4396.

163. Holt, R.D. and W.B. Anderson. 2005. Forward. In memory of Gary Allan Polis (28 August 1946-27 March 2000). Pages v-vi in M. Shachak , J.R. Gosz, S.T.A. Pickett and A. Perevolotsky, eds. Biodiversity in Drylands: Toward a Unified Framework. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

164. Roy , M., R.D. Holt and M. Barfield. 2005. Temporal autocorrelation can enhance the persistence and abundance of metapopulations comprised of coupled sinksThe American Naturalist 166: 246 -261. Supplementary Information.

165. Kimbrell, T. and R.D. Holt 2005. Individual behaviour, space and predator evolution promote persistence in a two-patch system with predator switchingEvolutionary Ecology Research 7: 53-71.

166. Holyoak, M., M.A. Leibold, and R.D. Holt, eds. 2005. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

167. Holyoak, M., M.A. Leibold , N.M. Mouquet, R.D. Holt, and M.F. Hoopes. 2005. Metacommunities: a framework for large scale community ecology. Pages 1-31 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

168. Hoopes, M.F., R.D. Holt, and M. Holyoak. 2005. The effects of spatial processes on two species interactions. Pages 35-67 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

169. Holt, R.D. and M.F. Hoopes 2005. Food web dynamics in a metacommunity context: modules and beyond. Pages 68-94 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

170. Holyoak, M. and R.D. Holt. 2005. Empirical perspectives (introduction to part 2). Pages 95-98 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

171. Chase, J.M., P. Amarasekare, K. Cottenie, A. Gonzalez, R.D. Holt, M. Holyoak, et al.  2005. Competing theories for competitive metacommunities. Pages 335-354 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

172. Loreau, M., N. Mouquet, and R.D. Holt. 2005. From metacommunities to meta-ecosystems. Pages 418-438 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

173. Leibold, M.A., R.D. Holt, and M. Holyoak. 2005. Adaptive and co-adaptive dynamics in metacommunities: tracking environmental change at different spatial scales. Pages 439-464 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

174. Holt, R.D., M. Holyoak, and M.A. Leibold. 2005. Future directions in metacommunity ecology. Pages 465-489 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

175. Holyoak, M., M.A. Leibold, and R.D. Holt. 2005. Coda. Pages 491-492 in M. Holyoak, M.A. Leibold and R.D. Holt, eds. Metacommunities: Spatial Dynamics and Ecological Communities. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

176. Holt, R.D. 2005. On the integration of community ecology and evolutionary biology: historical perspectives and current prospects. Pages 235-271 in B. Beisner and K. Cuddington, eds. Ecological Paradigms Lost: Routes of Theory Change. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.

177a. Vellend, M., A.R. Hughes, R.K. Grosberg, and R.D. Holt. 2005. Insights into evolution. Pages 135-137 (Introduction to Part II) in D. Sax, J. Stachowicz and S.D. Gaines, eds. Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolution, and Biogeography. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

177b. Holt, R.D., M. Barfield, and R. Gomulkiewicz. 2005. Theories of niche conservatism and evolution: could exotic species be potential tests? Pages 259-290 in D. Sax, J. Stachowicz, and S.D. Gaines, eds. Species Invasions: Insights into Ecology, Evolution, and Biogeography. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

178. Knight, T.M., M.W. McCoy, J.M. Chase, K.A. McCoy, and R.D. Holt. 2005. Trophic cascades across ecosystemsNature 437: 880-884 (and electronic supplement).

179. Cumming, G. S., G. Barnes, M. Binford, R.D. Holt, S. Perez, M. Schmink, K. E. Sieving, and J. Southworth. 2005. An exploratory framework for the empirical measurement of resilienceEcosystems 8: 975-987.

180. Holt, R.D. 2006. Making a virtue out of a necessity: Hurricanes and the resilience of island communitiesPNAS 103: 2005-2006.

181. Dennehy, J.J., N.A. Friedenberg, R.D. Holt, and P.E. Turner. 2006. Viral ecology and the maintenance of novel host useThe American Naturalist 167: 429-439.

182. Keesing, F., R.D. Holt, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2006. Effects of species diversity on disease riskEcology Letters 9: 485-498.

183. Holt, R.D. and A.P. Dobson. 2006. Extending the principles of community ecology to address the epidemiology of host-pathogen communities. Pages 6-27 in S.K. Collinge and C. Ray, eds. Disease Ecology: Community Structure and Pathogen Dynamics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

184. Harding, K.C., J.M. McNamara and R.D. Holt. 2006. Understanding invasions in patchy habitats through metapopulation theory. Pages 371-403 in M. Cadotte and T. Fukami, eds. Conceptual Ecology and Invasion Biology: Reciprocal Approaches to Nature. Springer.

185. Dobson, A.P., I. Cattadori, R.D. Holt , R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, K. Krichbaum, J.R. Rohr, S.E. Perkins, and P.J. Hudson. 2006. Sacred cows and sympathetic squirrels: the importance of biological diversity to human healthPLOS Medicine 3: 714-718.

186. Holt, R.D. 2006. Asymmetry and stabilityNature 442: 252-253.

187. Cook, W.M. and R.D. Holt. 2006. Fire frequency and mosaic burning effects on a tallgrass prairie ground beetle assemblage. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 2301-2323.

188. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2006. Within-host pathogen dynamics: some ecological and evolutionary consequences of transients, dispersal mode, and within-host spatial heterogeneity. Pages 45-66 in Z. Feng, U. Dieckmann and S. Levin, eds. Disease Evolution: Models, Concepts, and Data Analyses. American Mathematical Society.

189. Holt, R.D. 2006. Emergent neutralityTrends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 531-533.

190. Cook, W.M. and R.D. Holt. 2006. Influence of multiple factors on insect colonization of heterogeneous landscapes: a review and case study with periodical cicadas (Homoptera : Cicadidae)Annals of the American Entomological Society of America 99: 809-820.

191. Knight, T.M., J.M. Chase, H. Hillebrand, and R.D. Holt. 2006. Predation on mutualists can reduce the strength of trophic cascadesEcology Letters 9: 1173-1178.

192. Holdo, R.M., R.D. Holt, M.B. Coughenour, and M.E. Ritchie. 2007. Plant productivity and soil nitrogen as a function of grazing, migration, and fire in an African savannaJournal of Ecology 95: 115-128.

193. Martcheva, M., S.S. Pilyugin, and R.D. Holt. 2007. Subthreshold and superthreshold coexistence of pathogen variants: The impact of host age-structureMathematical Biosciences 207: 58-77.

194. Kimbrell, T. and R.D. Holt. 2007. Canalization breakdown and evolution in a source-sink systemThe American Naturalist 169: 370-382.

195. Holt, R.D. and M. Roy. 2007. Predation can increase the prevalence of infectious disease. The American Naturalist 169: 690-699.

196. Long, Z.T., O.L. Petchey and R.D. Holt. 2007. The effects of immigration and environmental variability on the persistence of an inferior competitorEcology Letters 10: 574-585.

197. Sax, D.F., J.J. Stachowicz, J.H. Brown et al. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary insights from species invasionsTrends in Ecology and Evolution. 22: 465-471.

198. Holt, R.D. and T. Kimbrell. 2007. Foraging and population dynamics. Pages 365-395 in D. Stephens, J. Brown and R. Ydenberg, eds. Foraging: Behavior and Ecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

199. Holt, R.D. 2007. The unraveling of nature’s information webs: the next depressing frontier in conservation? Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53: 229-236.

200. Borer, E.T., C.J. Briggs, and R.D. Holt. 2007. Predators, parasitoids, and pathogens: a cross-cutting examination of intraguild predation theoryEcology 88: 2681-2688.

201. Holt, R.D. and G.R. Huxel. 2007. Alternative prey and the dynamics of intraguild predation: theoretical perspectives. Ecology 88: 2706-2712. Appendices.

202. Holt, R.D. 2007. In ecology and evolution, when I say “I”, should I mean “we”? Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53: 1-7.

203. Kimbrell, T., R.D. Holt, and P. Lundberg. 2007. The influence of vigilance on intraguild predationJournal of Theoretical Biology 249: 218-234.

204. Holt, R.D. 2007. Cultural amnesia in the ecological sciencesIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53: 121-128.

205. Martcheva, M., B.M. Bolker, and R.D. Holt. 2008. Vaccine-induced pathogen strain replacement: what are the mechanisms? Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 :3-13.

206. Holt, R.D. 2008. Theoretical perspectives on resource pulsesEcology 89: 671-681.

207. Hall, S.R., K.D. Lafferty, J.H. Brown, C.E. Caceres, J.M. Chase, A.P. Dobson, R.D. Holt, et al. 2008. Is infectious disease just another type of predator-prey interaction? Pages 223-241 in R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing and V.T. Eviner, eds. Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

208. Holt, R.D. 2008. The community context of disease emergence: could changes in predation be a key driver? Pages 324-346 in R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing and V.T. Eviner, eds. Infectious Disease Ecology: Effects of Ecosystems on Disease and of Disease on Ecosystems. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

209. Roy, M. and R.D. Holt. 2008. Effects of predation on host-pathogen dynamics in SIR modelsTheoretical Population Biology 73: 319-331.

210. Filin, I., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 2008. The relation of density regulation to habitat specialization, evolution of a species’ range, and the dynamics of biological invasions. The American Naturalist 172: 233-247. Supplementary Information.

211. Holt, R.D. 2008. Charismatic mesofauna: butterflies as inspiration and test for theory that integrates ecology and evolution. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 54: 1-5.

212. Forde, S.E., J.N. Thompson, R.D. Holt, and B.J.M. Bohannon. 2008.  Coevolution drives temporal changes in fitness and diversity across environments in a bacteria-bacteriophage interactionEvolution 62: 1830–1839.

213. Knight, T.M., M. Barfield and R.D. Holt. 2008. Evolutionary dynamics as a component of stage-structured matrix models: an example using Trillium grandiflorum. The American Naturalist 172: 375-392.

214. Holt, R.D., P.A. Abrams, J.M. Fryxell and T. Kimbrell. 2008. Reticulate food webs in space and time: messages from the Serengeti. Pages 241-276 in A.R.E. Sinclair, C. Packer, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M. Fryxell, eds. Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

215. Fryxell, J.M., P.A. Abrams, R.D. Holt, J.F. Wilmshurst, A.R.E. Sinclair, and R. Hilborn. 2008. Spatial dynamics and coexistence of the Serengeti grazer community. Pages 277-300 in A.R.E. Sinclair, C. Packer, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M. Fryxell, eds. Serengeti III: Human Impacts on Ecosystem Dynamics. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

216. Roy, M., K. Harding, and R.D. Holt. 2008. Generalizing Levins metapopulation model in explicit space: Models of intermediate complexityJournal of Theoretical Biology 255:152-161.

217. Holt, R.D. 2008. On the uses and abuses of comparative demographyIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 54: 159-163.

218. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2008. Habitat selection and niche conservatism. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 54: 295-309.

219. Holt, R.D. 2008. Habitats and seasons. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 54: 279-285.

220. McCoy, M.W., M. Barfield and R.D. Holt. 2009. Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystemsOikos 118: 87-100.

221. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2009. Trophic interactions and range limits: the diverse roles of predationProceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 1435-1442.

222. Holdo, R.M., R.D. Holt, and J.M. Fryxell. 2009. Grazers, browsers, and fire influence the extent and spatial pattern of tree cover in the SerengetiEcological Applications 19:95-109. Supplementary information.

223. Holdo, R.M., R.D. Holt, and J.M. Fryxell. 2009. Opposing rainfall and plant nutritional gradients best explain the wildebeest migration in the SerengetiThe American Naturalist 173: 431-445.

224. Collins, C.D., R.D. Holt, and B.L. Foster. 2009. Patch size effects on plant species decline in an experimentally fragmented landscapeEcology 90: 2577–2588.

225. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2009. Metapopulation perspectives on the evolution of species’ niches. Pages 191-213 in S. Cantrell, C.Cosner and S. Ruan, eds. Spatial Ecology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

226. Holt, R.D. 2009. Prince Kropotkin meets the Hutchinsonian nicheIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 55: 1-10.

227. Holt, R.D. 2009. Up against the edge: invasive species as testbeds for basic questions about evolution in heterogeneous environmentsMolecular Ecology 18: 4347–4348.

228. Holdo, R.M., A.R.E. Sinclair, A.P. Dobson, K.L. Metzger, B.M. Bolker, M.E. Ritchie, and R.D. Holt. 2009. A disease-mediated trophic cascade in the Serengeti and its implications for ecosystem CPLoS Biol 7:e1000210. Dataset S1. Protocol S1.

229. Holt, R.D. 2009. A meditation on species as storiesIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 55: 91-97.

230. Holt, R.D. 2009. Bringing the Hutchinsonian niche into the 21st century: Ecological and evolutionary perspectivesProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106: 19659–19665.

231. Holt, R.D. 2009. Darwin, Malthus, and movement: a hidden assumption in the demographic foundations of evolution. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 55: 189-198.

232. Glass, G., L.C. Gardner-Santana, R.D. Holt, J. Chen, T.M. Shields, M. Roy et al. 2009. Trophic garnishes: cat-rat interactions in an urban environmentPLoS ONE 4:e5794.

233. Holt, R.D. 2009. Ecology and evolution as professions, and as liberal arts. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 55: 307-313.

233a. Holt, R.D. 2009. Predation and community organization. Pages 274-281 in S.A. Levin, ed. The Princeton Guide to Ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

234. Gomulkiewicz, R., R.D. Holt, M. Barfield, and S.L. Nuismer. 2010. Genetics, adaptation, and invasion in harsh environments. Evolutionary Applications 3: 97-108.

235. Holdo, R.M., K.A. Galvin, E. Knapp, S. Polasky, R. Hilborn, and R.D. Holt. 2010. Responses to alternative rainfall regimes and antipoaching in a migratory system. Evolutionary Applications 20: 381-397. Supplementary information.

236. Orrock, J., R.D. Holt, and M.L. Baskett. 2010. Refuge-mediated apparent competition in plant-consumer interactionsEcology Letters 13:11-20. Supplementary information.

237. Gilman, S.E., M.C. Urban, J. Tewksbury, G.W. Gilchrist, and R.D. Holt. 2010. A framework for community interactions under climate changeTrends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 325-331.

238. Dennehy, J.J., N.A. Friedenberg, R.C. McBride, R.D. Holt, and P.E. Turner. 2010. Experimental evidence that source genetic variation drives pathogen emergenceProceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 3113-3121. Supplementary information.

239. Dobson, A.P., M. Borner, A.R.E. Sinclair et al. 2010. Road will ruin SerengetiNature 467: 272-273.

240. Wiens, J.J., D.D.Ackerly, A.P. Allen et al. 2010. Niche conservatism as an emerging principle in ecology and conservation biologyEcology Letters 13: 1310-1324.

241. Schierenbeck, K.A., C.E. Lee, and R.D. Holt. 2010. Editorial. Synthesizing ecology and evolution for the study of invasive speciesEvolutionary Applications 3: 96.

242. Holt, R.D. 2010. 2020 visions (section on ecology)Nature. 463: 26-32.

243. Orrock, J.L., M.L. Baskett, and R.D. Holt. 2010. Spatial interplay of plant competition and consumer foraging mediate plant coexistence and drive the invasion ratchetProceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 3307-3315.

244. Terborgh, J., R.D. Holt,  and J.A. Estes. 2010. Trophic cascades: what they are, how they work, and why they matter. Pages 1-18 in J. Terborgh and J.A. Estes, eds. Trophic Cascades: Predators, Prey and the Changing Dynamics of Nature. Island Press, Washington, DC.

245. Holt, R.D., R.M. Holdo, and F.J.F. van Veen. 2010. Theoretical perspectives on trophic cascades: current trends and future directions. Pages 301-318 in J. Terborgh and J.A. Estes, eds. Trophic Cascades: Predators, Prey and the Changing Dynamics of Nature. Island Press, Washington, DC.

246. Holt, R.D. 2010. Towards a trophic island biogeography: reflections on the interface of island biogeography and food web ecology. Pages 143-185 in J.B. Losos and R.E. Ricklefs, eds. The Theory of Island Biogeography Revisited. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

247. Keesing, F., L.K. Belden, P. Daszak, A. Dobson, C.D. Harvell, R.D. Holt 2010. Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseasesNature 468: 647-652. Supplementary information.

247a. Anjos, L. dos, R.D. Holt, and S. Robinson. 2010. Position in the distributional range and sensitivity to forest fragmentation in birds: a case history from the Atlantic forest, BrazilBird Conservation International 20: 392–399.

247b. Holt, R.D. 2010. Cooperation, competition, and the social organization of the scientific enterpriseIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56: 1-7.

247c. Holt, R.D. 2010. A world free of parasites and vectors: would it be heaven, or would it be hell? Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56: 239-250.

247d. Blaustein, L., R.S. Ostfeld, and R.D.Holt. 2010. A community-ecology framework for understanding vector and vector-borne disease dynamics. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56: 251-262.

247e. Bonsall, M.B. and R.D. Holt. 2010. Apparent competition and vector-host interactions. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56: 393-416.

247f. Blaustein, L., R.S. Ostfeld, and R.D.Holt, eds. 2010. A Community-Ecology Framework for Understanding Vector and Vector-Borne Disease Dynamics. Special issue of Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution Vol. 56, No. 3-4.

248. Holt, R.D. and J.M. Fryxell. 2011. Theoretical reflections on the evolution of migration. Pages 17-31 in E.J. Milner-Gulland, J.M. Fryxell and A.R.E. Sinclair, eds. Animal Migrations: A Synthesis. Oxford University Press, New York.

249. Holdo, R.M., R.D. Holt, A.R.E. Sinclair, B.J. Godley, and S. Thirgood. 2011. Migration impacts on communities and ecosystems: empirical evidence and theoretical insights. Pages 131-143 in E.J. Milner-Gulland, J.M. Fryxell and A.R.E. Sinclair, eds. Animal Migrations: A Synthesis. Oxford University Press, New York.

250. Jonzén, N., E. Knudsen, R.D. Holt, and B-E. Saether. 2011. Uncertainty and predictability: the niches of migrants and nomads. Pages 91-109 in E.J. Milner-Gulland, J.M. Fryxell and A.R.E. Sinclair, eds. Animal Migrations: A Synthesis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

251. Holdo, R.M., J.M. Fryxell, A.R.E. Sinclair, A. Dobson, and R.D. Holt. 2011. Predicted impact of barriers to migration on the Serengeti wildebeest populationPLoS ONE 6: e16370.

252. Dobson, A., R.M. Holdo, and R.D. Holt. 2011. Rinderpest. Pages 597-604 in D. Simberloff and M. Rejmánek, eds. Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

253. Barfield, M., R.D. Holt, and R. Gomulkiewicz. 2011. Evolution in stage-structured populationsThe American Naturalist 177: 397-409. Supplementary information. Correction 1. Correction 2.

254. Urban, M.C., R.D. Holt, S.E.Gilman, and J. Tewksbury. 2011. Heating up relations between cold fish: competition modifies responses to climate changeJournal of Animal Ecology 80: 505–507.

255. Estes, J.A., J. Terborgh, J.S. Brashares, M.E. Power, J. Berger, W.J. Bond, S.R. Carpenter, T.E. Essington, R.D. Holt et al. 2011. Trophic downgrading of planet EarthScience 333: 301-306. Supplementary information.

256. Anjos, L. dos, C.D. Collins, R.D. Holt, G.H. Volpato, L.B. Mendonça, E.V. Lopes, et al. 2011. Bird species abundance-occupancy patterns and sensitivity to forest fragmentation: Implications for conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic forestBiological Conservation 144: 2213-2222.

257. Holt, R.D. 2011. Evolution in source-sink environments: implications for niche conservatism. Pages 23-57 in J. Liu, V. Hull, A.T. Morzillo and J.A. Wiens, eds. Sources, Sinks and Sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

258. Holt, R.D. 2011. Natural enemy-victim interactions: do we have a unified theory, yet? Pages 125-162 in S.M. Scheiner and M.R. Willig, eds. The Theory of Ecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

259. Holt, R.D., M. Barfield, I. Filin, and S. Forde. 2011. Predation and the evolutionary dynamics of species rangesThe American Naturalist 178: 488-500. Supplementary information.

260. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2011. Theoretical perspectives on the statics and dynamics of species’ borders in patchy environments. The American Naturalist 178: S6-S25.

261. Ewers, R.M., R.K. Didham, L. Fahrig, G. Ferraz, A. Hector, R.D. Holt et al. 2011. A large-scale forest fragmentation experiment: the Stability of Altered Forest Ecosystems Project. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 3292-3302.

262. Wayne, M.L., G.M. Blohm, M.E. Brooks, K.L. Regan, B.Y. Brown, M. Barfield, R.D. Holt, and B.M. Bolker. 2011. The prevalence and persistence of sigma virus, a biparentally transmitted parasite of Drosophila melanogasterEvolutionary Ecology Research 13: 323-345.

262a. Holt, R.D. 2011. A never-ending struggle: Becoming a better ecologist and evolutionary biologistIsrael Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57: 279-288.

263. Alexander, H.M., B.L. Foster, F. Ballantyne IV, C.D. Collins, J. Antonovics, and R.D. Holt. 2012. Metapopulations and metacommunities: combining spatial and temporal perspectives in plant ecologyJournal of Ecology 100: 88-103. Supplementary information.

264. Kim, T.N. and R.D. Holt. 2012. The direct and indirect effects of fire on the assembly of insect herbivore communities: examples from the Florida scrub habitatOecologia 168: 997–1012.

265. Scheiner, S.M. and R.D. Holt. 2012. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. X. Variation versus uncertaintyEcology and Evolution 2: 751-767.

266. Hawkins, B.A., C.M. McCain, T.J. Davies, L.B. Buckley, B.L. Anacker, H.V. Cornell, E.I. Damschen, J.-A. Grytnes, S. Harrison, R.D. Holt et al. 2012. Different evolutionary histories underlie congruent species richness gradients of birds and mammalsJournal of Biogeography 39: 825-841.

267. Takimoto, G., D.M. Post, D.A. Spiller, and R.D. Holt. 2012. Effects of productivity, disturbance, and ecosystem size on food-chain length: insights from a metacommunity model of intraguild predationEcological Research 27: 481-493. Supplemental information 1. Supplemental information 2.

268. Tscharntke, T., J.M. Tylianakis, T.A. Rand, R.K. Didham, L. Fahrig, P. Batary, J. Bengtsson, Y. Clough, T.O. Crist, C.F. Dormann, R.M. Ewers, J. Frund, R.D. Holt et al. 2012. Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes – eight hypothesesBiological Reviews 87: 661-685.

269. Scheiner, S.M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2012. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. XI. Joint evolution of plasticity and dispersal rateEcology and Evolution 2: 2027-2039. Supplementary information.

270. Holt, R.D. 2012. Apparent Competition. Pages 45-52 in A. Hastings and L.J. Gross, eds. Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

271. Ohgushi, T., O. Schmitz, and R.D. Holt, eds. 2012. Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

272. Ohgushi, T., O. Schmitz, and R.D. Holt. 2012. Introduction. Pages 1-5 in T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz and R.D. Holt, eds. Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

273. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2012. Trait-mediated effects, density dependence and the dynamic stability of ecological systems. Pages 89-106 in T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz and R.D. Holt, eds. Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

274. Ohgushi, T., O. Schmitz, and R.D. Holt. 2012. Coda. Pages 526-529 in T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz and R.D. Holt, eds. Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

275. Dunn, A.M., M.E. Torchin, M.J. Hatcher, P.M. Kotanen, D.M. Blumenthal, J.E. Byers, C.A.C. Coon, V.M. Frankel, R.D. Holt, et al. 2012. Indirect effects of parasites in invasions. Functional Ecology 26: 1262–1274. Lay Summary. Supplementary information.

276. Chevin, L-M., R. Gallet, R. Gomulkiewicz, R.D. Holt, and S. Fellous. 2013. Phenotypic plasticity in evolutionary rescue experimentsPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120089. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0089.

277. Gandon, S., M.E. Hochberg, R.D. Holt, and T. Day. 2013. What limits the evolutionary emergence of pathogens? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 368: 20120086. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0086.

278. Holdo, R.M., R.D. Holt, and J.M. Fryxell. 2013. Herbivore-vegetation feedbacks can expand the range of savanna persistence: insights from a simple theoretical modelOikos 122: 441–453.

279. Estes, J.A., K. Crooks, and R.D. Holt. 2013. Predators, Ecological Role of. Pages 229-249 of Volume 6 in S.A. Levin, ed. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, Waltham, MA.

280. Kanarek, A.R., C.T. Webb, M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2013. Allee effects, aggregation behavior, and invasion success. Theoretical Ecology 6: 153-164.

281. Holt, R.D. 2013. Species Coexistence. Pages 667-678 of Volume 6 in S.A. Levin, ed. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA.

282. Fryxell, J.M. and R.D. Holt. 2013. Environmental change and the evolution of migrationEcology 94: 1274-1279.

283. Perz, S.G., R. Munoz-Carpena, G. Kiker, and R.D. Holt. 2013. Evaluating ecological resilience with global sensitivity and uncertainty analysisEcological Modelling 263: 174-186.

284. Cox, C.M., W.W. Bockus, R.D. Holt, L. Fang, and K.A. Garrett. 2013. Spatial connectedness of plant species: potential links for apparent competition via plant diseases. Plant Pathology 62: 1195–1204.

285. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2013. Direct plant-predator interactions as determinants of food chain dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 339: 47–57.

286. Holt, R.D., E. Taylor, M. Roy, and M. Barfield. 2013. Unstable predator-prey dynamics permits the coexistence of generalist and specialist predators, and the maintenance of partial preferences. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 59: 27–36.

287. Silliman, B.R., M.W. McCoy, C. Angelini, R.D. Holt, J.N. Griffin, and J. van de Koppel. 2013. Consumer fronts, global change, and runaway collapse in ecosystemsAnnual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 44: 503–38.

288. Ulanowicz, R.E., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 2014. Limits on ecosystem trophic complexity: insights from ecological network analysisEcology Letters 17: 127–136.

289. Svenning, J.C., D. Gravel, R.D. Holt, F.M. Schurr, W. Thuiller, T. Münkemüller, K.H. et al. 2014. The influence of interspecific interactions on species range expansion ratesEcography 37: 1198–1209.

290. Kubisch, A., R.D. Holt, H.-J. Poethke, and E.A. Fronhofer. 2014. Where am I and why? Synthesizing range biology and the eco-evolutionary dynamics of dispersalOikos 123: 5-22.

291. Reuman, D.C., R.D. Holt, and G. Yvon-Durocher. 2014. A metabolic perspective on competition and body size reductions with warmingJournal of Animal Ecology 83: 59-69. Supplementary information.

292. Holt, R.D. 2014. Evolution of the ecological niche. Pages 288-297 in Jonathan B. Losos, ed. The Princeton Guide to Evolution. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.

293. Sergio, F., O.J. Schmitz, C.J. Krebs, R.D. Holt, M.R. Heithaus, A.J. Wirsing et al. 2014. Towards a cohesive, holistic view of top predation: a definition, synthesis and perspectiveOikos 123: 1234-1243.

294. Schiffers, K., F.M. Schurr, J.M.J. Travis, A. Duputie, V.M. Eckhart, S. Lavergne, G. McInerny, K.A. Moore, P.B. Pearman, W. Thuiller, R.O. Wüest, and R.D. Holt. 2014. Landscape structure and genetic architecture jointly impact rates of niche evolution. Ecography 37: 1218-1229.

295. Kanarek, A.R., C.T. Webb, M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2015. Overcoming Allee effects through evolutionary, genetic, and demographic rescueJournal of Biological Dynamics 9: 15-33.

296. Haddad, N.M., L.A. Brudvig, J. Clobert, K.F. Davies, A. Gonzalez, R.D. Holt, et al. 2015. Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impacts on Earth’s ecosystemsScience Advances 1: e1500052. Supplementary information.

297. Scheiner, S.M., R. Gomulkiewicz, and R.D. Holt. 2015. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. XIV. Coevolution. The American Naturalist 185: 594–609. Supplementary information.

298. Holt, R.D. 2015. Inference to the best explanation: Reflections on the issue of climate change. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 61: 1-12.

299. Smith, V.H., R.D. Holt, M.S. Smith, Y. Niu, and M. Barfield. 2015. Resources, mortality, and disease ecology: Importance of positive feedbacks between host growth rate and pathogen dynamics. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 61: 37-49.

300. dos Anjos, L., C.D. Collins, R.D. Holt, G.H. Volpato, E.V. Lopes, and G.M. Bochio. 2015. Can habitat specialization patterns of Neotropical birds highlight vulnerable areas for conservation in the Atlantic rainforest, southern Brazil? Biological Conservation 188: 32–40. Supplementary information.

301. Borrelli, J.J., S. Allesina, P. Amarasekare, R. Arditi, I. Chase, J. Damuth, R.D. Holt, D.O. Logofet, M. Novak, R.P. Rohr, A.G. Rossberg, M. Spencer, J.K. Tran, and L.R. Ginzburg. 2015. Selection on stability across ecological scales. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30: 417-425.

302. Palmer, T.M., E.G. Pringle, A. Stier, and R.D. Holt. 2015. Mutualism in a community context. Pages 159-180 in J.L. Bronstein, ed. Mutualism. Oxford University Press, New York.

303. Holdo, R.M. and R.D. Holt. 2015. Socioecological dynamics and feedbacks in the greater Serengeti ecosystem. Chapter 20 in A.R.E. Sinclair, K.L. Metzger, S.A.R. Mduma and J.M. Fryxell, eds. Serengeti IV. University of Chicago Press.

304. Levi, T., A.M. Kilpatrick, M. Barfield, R.D. Holt, M. Mangel, and C.C. Wilmers. 2015. Threshold levels of generalist predation determine consumer response to resource pulses. Oikos 124: 1436-1443.

305. Holt, R.D. and M. Barfield. 2015. The influence of imperfect matching habitat choice on evolution in source-sink environments. Evolutionary Ecology 29:887-904.

306. Barfield, M., M.E. Orive, and R.D. Holt. 2015. The role of pathogen shedding in linking within- and between-host pathogen dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences 270, Part B: 249–262. (The link is to the PubMed Central author’s version.)

307. Tuncer, N., J. Torres, M. Martcheva, M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2016. Dynamics of low and high pathogenic avian influenza in wild and domestic bird populations. Journal of Biological Dynamics 10: 104-139.

308. Wilson, M.C., X.-Y. Chen, R.T. Corlett, R.K. Didham, P. Ding, R.D. Holt, M. et al. 2016. Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges. Landscape Ecology 31: 219-227.

309. Levi, T., A.L. Massey, R.D. Holt, F. Keesing, R.S. Ostfeld, and C.A. Peres. 2016. Does biodiversity protect humans against infectious disease? Comment. Ecology 97: 536-542.

310. Levi, T., F. Keesing, R.D. Holt, M. Barfield, and R.S. Ostfeld. 2016. Quantifying dilution and amplification in a community of hosts for tick-borne pathogens. Ecological Applications 26: 484-498. Supplementary information.

311. Stier, A.C., J.F. Samhouri, M. Novak, K.N. Marshall, E.J. Ward, R.D. Holt, and P.S. Levin. 2016. Ecosystem context and historical contingency in apex predator recoveries. Science Advances 2: e1501769. Supplementary information.

312. Urban, M.C., G. Bocedi, A.P. Hendry, J.-B. Mihoub, G. Pe’er, A. Singer, R.D. Holt, et al. 2016. Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change. Science 353: aad8466.

313. Holt, R.D. 2016. Green roofs may cast shadows. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 62: 15-22.

314. Holt, R.D. 2016. A meditation on life, death, and meaning. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 62: 113-117.

315. Holt, R.D. 2016. Geographical variation in the availability of natural history field guides? Personal reflections, causes and consequences. The American Naturalist 188: S90–S95.

316. Barfield, M. and R.D. Holt. 2016. Evolutionary rescue in novel environments: Towards improving predictability. Evolutionary Ecology Research 17: 771-786.

317. Haddad, N.M., R.D. Holt, R.J. Fletcher Jr., M. Loreau, and J. Clobert. 2017. Connecting models, data, and concepts to understand fragmentation’s ecosystem-wide effects. Ecography 40: 1-8.

318. Legrand, D., J. Cote, E.A. Fronhofer, R.D. Holt, O. Ronce, N. Schtickzelle, J.M.J. Travis, and J. Clobert. 2017. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in fragmented landscapes. Ecography 40: 9-25.

319. Collins, C.D., C. Banks-Leite, L.A. Brudvig, B.L. Foster, W.M. Cook, R.D. Holt et al. 2017. Fragmentation affects plant community composition over time. Ecography 40: 119-130.

320. Morris, D.W., R.D. Holt, and B.P. Kotler. 2017. Apparent Competition. In Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier,

321. Holt, R.D. 2017. Species Coexistence. In Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier,

322. Holt, R.D. 2017. Ilkka Hanski, The “Compleat Ecologist”: an homage to his contributions to the spatial dimension of food web interactions.  2017 Annales Zoologic Fennici 54: 51-70.

323. Godsoe, W., J. Jankowski, R.D. Holt, and D. Gravel. 2017. Integrating biogeography with contemporary niche theory. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32: 488-499.

324. Godsoe, W., B. Kendall, C. Cosner, N. Holland, A. Brett, J. Jankowski, and R.D. Holt. 2017. Interspecific interactions and range limits: contrasts among interaction types. Theoretical Ecology 10: 167–179. Supplementary information.

325. Orive, M.E., M. Barfield, C. Fernandez, and R.D. Holt. 2017. Effects of clonal reproduction on evolutionary lag and evolutionary rescue. The American Naturalist 190: 469–490. Supplementary information.

326. Kaitala V., L. Ruokolainen, R.D. Holt, J.K. Blackburn, I. Merikanto, J. Anttila, and J. Laakso. 2017. Population dynamics, invasion, and biological control of environmentally growing opportunistic pathogens. Pages 213-245 in C. Hurst, ed. Modeling the Transmission and Prevention of Infectious Disease. Advances in Environmental Microbiology, vol 4. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

327. Scheiner, S. M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2017. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. XV. Genetic assimilation, the Baldwin effect, and evolutionary rescue. Ecology and Evolution 7: 8788-8803.

328.  Holt, R.D. and M.B. Bonsall. 2017. Apparent Competition. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 48: 447-471.

329. Sauby, K.E., J. Kilmer, M.C. Christman, R.D. Holt, and T.D. Marsico. 2017. The influence of herbivory and weather on the vital rates of two closely related cactus species. Ecology and Evolution 7: 6996-7009.

330. Barfield, M., M. Martcheva, N. Tuncer, and R.D. Holt. 2018. Backward bifurcation and oscillations in a nested immuno-eco-epidemiological model. Journal of Biological Dynamics 12: 51-88.

331. Flory, S.L., C. Alba, K. Clay, R.D. Holt, and E.M. Goss. 2018. Emerging pathogens can suppress invaders and promote native species recovery. Biological Invasions 20:5-8.

332. Song, X., R.D. Holt, X. Si, M.C. Christman, and P. Ding. 2018. When the species-time-area relationship meets island biogeography: Diversity patterns of avian communities over time and space in a subtropical archipelago. Journal of Biogeography 45: 664-675.

333. Godsoe, W., J. Jankowski, R.D. Holt, and D. Gravel. 2018. Which coexistence mechanisms should biogeographers quantify? A reply to Alexander et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 145-147.

334. Fletcher, Jr., R.J., R.K. Didham, C. Banks-Leite, J. Barlow, R.M. Ewers, J. Rosindell, R.D. Holt et al. 2018. Is habitat fragmentation good for biodiversity? Biological Conservation 226: 9-15.

335. Mestre, A. and R.D. Holt. 2019. Natural enemies and biodiversity: The double-edged sword of trophic interactions. Metode Science Studies Journal 9. doi:10.7203/metode.911417.

336.  Levi, T., M. Barfield, S. Barrantes, C. Sullivan, R.D. Holt, and J. Terborgh.  2019. Tropical forests can maintain hyperdiversity because of enemies.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116: 581-586. Supplementary Information.

337. Blackburn, J.K., H.H. Ganz, J.M. Ponciano, W.C. Turner, S.J. Ryan, P. Kamath, C. Cizauskas, K. Kausrud, R.D. Holt, et al. 2019. Modeling R0 for pathogens with environmental transmission: Animal movements, pathogen populations and local infectious zones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16: 954.

338. Norberg, A., N. Abrego,  F.G. Blanchet, F.R. Adler, B.J. Anderson, J. Anttila, M.B. Araújo, T. Dallas, D. Dunson, J. Elith, S.D. Foster, R. Fox, J. Franklin, W. Godsoe, A. Guisan, B. O’Hara, N.A. Hill, R.D. Holt, et al. 2019. A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels. Ecological Monographs 89: e01370.

339. Levi, T., M. Barfield, R.D. Holt, and J. Terborgh 2019.  Reply to Cannon and Lerdau: Maintenance of tropical forest tree diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116: 8106.

340. Peniston, J.H., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2019. Pulsed immigration events can facilitate adaptation to harsh sink environments. The American Naturalist 194: 316-333.  Supplementary Information.

341. Fletcher, Jr., R.J., J.A. Sefair, C. Wang, C.L. Poli, T.A.H. Smith, E.M. Bruna, R.D. Holt, et al. 2019. Towards a unified framework for connectivity that disentangles movement and mortality in space and time. Ecology Letters 22: 1680-1689. Supplementary Information.

342. Orive, M.E., R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 2019. Evolutionary rescue in a linearly changing environment: Limits on predictability. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81: 4821–4839.

343. Betts, M.G., C. Wolf, M. Pfeifer, C. Banks-Leite, V. Arroyo-Rodriguez, D.B. Ribeiro, J. Barlow, F. Eigenbrod, D. Faria, R.J. Fletcher, Jr., A.S. Hadley, J.E. Hawes, R.D. Holt et al. 2019. Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals. Science 366: 1236-1239. Supplementary information.

344. Mestre, A., R. Poulin, R.D. Holt, M. Barfield, J.C. Clamp, G. Fernandez-Leborans,  and F. Mesquita-Joanes. 2019. The interplay of nested biotic interactions and the abiotic environment regulates populations of a hypersymbiont. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1998-2010. Supplementary information.

344a. Wainwright, C.E., R.D. Holt, and M.M. Mayfield. 2019. Looks can be deceiving: ecologically similar exotics have different impacts on a native competitor. Oecologia 190: 927-940.

344b. Scheiner, S.M. and R.D. Holt. 2019.  Evidential statistics in model and theory development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 306.

345. Scheiner, S.M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2020. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. XVII. Response to climate change. Evolutionary Applications 13: 388-399.

346. Goncalves, C.d.S., R.D. Holt, M. C. Christman, and L. Casatti. 2020.  Environmental and spatial effects on coastal stream fishes in the Atlantic rainforest. Biotropica 52: 139-150. Supplementary information.

347. Holt, R.D. 2020. Reflections on niches and numbers. Ecography 43: 387-390.

348. Holt, R.D. 2020. Some thoughts about the challenge of inferring ecological interactions from spatial data. Biodiversity Informatics 17:61-66.

349. Holt, R.D. 2020. Ecology through the Looking Glass. Pages. 92-106 in A. Dobson, R.D. Holt, and D. Tilman, eds. Unsolved Problems in Ecology, Princeton University Press. Princeton, N.J.

350. Dobson, A., R.D. Holt, and D. Tilman. 2020. Unsolved Problems in Ecology. Princeton University Press. Princeton, N.J.

351. Holt, R.D. 2020. Foreword to K.S. McCann and G. Gellner, eds. Theoretical Ecology: concepts and applications. Oxford University Press, New York.

352. Hintzen, R.E., M. Papadopoulou, R. Mounce, C. Banks-Leite, R.D. Holt, M. Mills, A.T.  Knight, A.M. Leroi, and J. Rosindell. 2020.  Relationship between conservation biology and ecology shown through machine reading of 32,000 articles. Conservation Biology 34:721-732. Supplementary information.

353. Branco, C.C.Z., P.C. Bispo, C.K. Peres, A.F. Tonetto, R.A. Krupek, M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2020. Partitioning multiple dimensions of beta diversity in a tropical stream macroalgal metacommunity. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1765–1780. Supplementary information.

354. Peniston, J.H., M. Barfield, A. Gonzalez, and R.D. Holt. 2020. Environmental fluctuations can promote evolutionary rescue in high-extinction-risk scenarios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20201144. Supplementary information.

355. Goss, E.M., A.E. Kendig, A. Adhikari, B. Lane, N. Kortessis, R.D. Holt, K. Clay, P.F. Harmon, and S.L. Flory. 2020. Disease in invasive plant populations. Annual Review of Phytopathology 58: 15.1–15.21.

356. Kortessis, N., M.W. Simon, M. Barfield, G.E. Glass, B.H. Singer, and R.D. Holt. 2020. The interplay of movement and spatiotemporal variation in transmission degrades pandemic control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 117: 30104-30106.

357. Holt, R.D. 2020. Review of Evolution in Isolations: The Search for an Island Syndrome in Plants, by Kevin C. Burns. Quarterly Review of Biology 95: 335-336.

358. Kendig, A.E., S.L. Flory, E.M. Goss, R.D. Holt, K. Clay, P.F. Harmon, B.R. Lane, A. Adhikari, and C.M. Wojan.  2020. The role of pathogens in plant invasions. Pages 208-225 in A.Traveset and D.M. Richardson, eds. Plant Invasions: The Role of Species Interactions. CABI International Press. Wallingford, UK.

359. Sandhu, S.K., A. Yu. Morozov, R.D. Holt, and M. Barfield. 2021. Revisiting the role of hyperparasitism in evolution of virulence. The American Naturalist 197: 216-235. Supplementary information.

360. Sigmund, K. and R.D. Holt. 2021. Toward evolutionary dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2100200118. Published 3/2/2021

361. Peniston, J.H., M. Barfield, R.D. Holt, and M.E. Orive. 2021. Environmental fluctuations dampen the effects of clonal reproduction on evolutionary rescue. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 710–722. doi:10.1111/jeb.13778.

362. Zhang, A, S. Zheng, R.K. Didham, R.D. Holt, and M. Yu. 2021. Non-linear thresholds in the effects of island area on functional diversity in woody plant communities. Journal of Ecology 109: 2177-2189.

363. Holt, R.D., Gravel, D., A. Stier, and J. Rosindell. 2021. On the interface of food webs and spatial ecology: The trophic dimension of species-area. Pages 289-318 in T.J. Matthews, K. Triantis and R.J. Whitaker, eds. The species-area relationship: theory and application. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

364. Ohyama, L., R.D. Holt, and A. Lucky.  2021. The species-area relationship in ant ecology. Journal of Biogeography. 48:1834-1841. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14149.

365. Mestre, A., M. Barfield, J.H. Peniston, P.R. Peres-Neto, F. Mesquita-Joanes, and R.D. Holt. 2021. Disturbance-induced emigration: an overlooked mechanism that reduces metapopulation extinction risk.  Ecology 102: e03423. doi:10.1002/ecy.343.

366. Wang, S., U. Brose, S. van Nouhuys, R.D. Holt, and M. Loreau. 2021. Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes. PNAS 118:e2102733118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2102733118.

367. Kikuchi, D., M.E. Herberstein, M. Barfield, R.D. Holt, and J. Mappers. 2021. Why aren’t warning signals everywhere? On the prevalence of aposematism and mimicry in communities. Biological Reviews. 96:2446-2460. doi: 10.1111/brv.12760.

368. Scheiner, S.M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2021. Do I build or do I move: adaptation by habitat construction versus habitat choice?  Evolution 76(3): 414-428.

369. Scheiner, S.M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2021. The evolution of habitat construction with and without phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 75(7): 1650-1664.

370. Bispo, P.C., C.C.Z. Branco, M.C. Novaes, L.S.M. Costa, E. Yokoyama, M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2021.  Partitioning and drivers of multiple facets of beta diversity in metacommunities of aquatic insects in mountain streams. Freshwater Science 40: 644-658. C.

371. Dobson, A., G. Hopcraft, S. Mduma, J.O. Ogutu, J. Fryxell, T.M. Anderson, S. Archibald, M. Borgerhoff Mulder, R.D. Holt, J. Berger, D.I. Rubenstein, P. Kahumbu, E.N. Chidumayo, E.J. Milner-Gulland, D. Schluter, S. Otto, A. Balmford, D. Wilcove, S. Pim, J.W. Veldman, H. Olff, R. Noss, R. Holdo, C. Beale, G. Hempson, Y. Kiwango, D. Lindemayer, W. Bond, M. Ritchie, and A.R.E. Sinclair. 2022. Savannas are vital but overlooked carbon sinks. Science 375:392. doi:10.1126/science.abn4482. 

372. Benitez, L., A.E. Kendig, A. Adhikari, K. Clay, P.F. Harmon, R.D. Holt, E.M. Goss, and S.L. Flory. 2022. Invasive grass litter suppresses a native grass species and promotes disease. Ecosphere 13:e3907.

373. Kikuchi, D., M. Barfield, M.E. Herberstein, J. Mappes, R.D. Holt, and J. Mappes 2022. The effect of predator population dynamics on Batesian mimicry complexes. The American Naturalist 199(3): 406-419.

374. Holt, R.D., M. Barfield, and J. Peniston. 2022. Temporal variation may have diverse impacts on range limits. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 377: 20210016.

375. Scheiner, S.M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2022. The factors that favor adaptive habitat construction versus non-adaptive environmental conditioning. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8763.

376. Zhong, Z., G. Li, D. Sanders, R.D. Holt, and Z. Zhang. 2022. Habitat tailoring: A rodent herbivore reduces its predation risk by modifying vegetation structure in steppe.  Current Biology 32: 1869-1874.

377. Simon, M., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2022. When growing pains and sick days collide: Infectious disease can stabilize host population oscillations caused by stage structure.  Theoretical Ecology 15: 285-309.

378. Fletcher, R., R. Jaffe, N. Kortessis, R.D. Holt, E. Robertson, S. Duncan, A. Marx, and J. Austin. 2022.  Extending isolation by resistance to predict genetic connectivity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 13(11): 2463-2477. https://doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13975.

379. Kortessis, N., A.E. Kendig, M. Barfield, S.L. Flory, M. Simon, and R.D. Holt. 2022. Litter, plant competition, and ecosystem dynamics: A theoretical perspective. The American Naturalist 200(6): 739-754.

380. Fletcher, R. J., T.A.H. Smith, Jr., N. Kortessis, E.M. Bruna, and R.D. Holt. 2023. Landscape experiments unlock relationships among habitat loss, fragmentation, and patch- size effects.  Ecology 2023; e4037.

381. Borer, E.T., A.E. Kendig, and R.D. Holt. 2023. Feeding the fever: Complex host-pathogen dynamics along continuous resource gradients.  Ecology and Evolution Evolution 13:e10315.

382.  Holt, R.D., A. Hastings, and S.L. Nuismer. 2023. Richard S. Gomulkiewicz (1962-2023).  Nature Ecology and Evolution 13(7): 1562-1563.

383. Lane, Brett, A. Kendig, C. Wojan, A. Adhikari, M.A. Jusino, N. Kortessis, M.W. Simon, R.D. Holt, M. Smith, K. Clay, S.L. Flory, P.F. Harmon, and E.M. Goss. Fungicide-mediated shifts in the foliar fungal community of an invasive grass. Phytobiomes Journal 7:198-207.

384. Orive, M.E., M. Barfield, and R.D. Holt. 2023. Partial clonality expands the opportunity for spatial adaptation. The American Naturalist 202: 681-698.

385. Holt, R.D. 2023. Apparent Competition: Reflections on humans as mediators, agents, and victims of a pervasive indirect ecological (and sociological) interaction. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2023: 103-117. 

386. Potratz, E.J., R.D. Holt, and J.S. Brown. 2024. Ecology of Fear: Acclimation and Adaptations to Hunting by Humans. Sustainability 16:1216.

387. Peniston, J.H., G.A. Backus, M.L. Baskett, R.J. Fletcher, and R.D. Holt. 2024. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of temporal variation in dispersal.  Ecography 2024: e06699.  doi:10.1111/ecog.06699.

388. Lu, Y., J. Xia, R.D. Holt, and D. DeAngelis. 2024.  Modeling the Effects of Spatial Distribution on Dynamics of an Invading Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) Blake Population.  Forests. 15(8): 1308.

389. R.J. Fletcher, Jr., T.A.H. Smith, S. Troy, N.  Kortessis, E.C. Turner, E.M. Bruna, and R.D. Holt.  2024. The prominent role of the matrix in ecology, evolution, and conservation.  Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 55:423-447.

390. McPeek, M., W.J. Resetarits, and R.D. Holt. 2024. The evolution of passive dispersal versus habitat selection has differing emergent consequences in metacommunities. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B 379(1907):20230126.

391. Khare, S., S. Scheiner, and R.D. Holt. The genetics of phenotypic plasticity. XVIII. Developmental limits restrict adaptive plasticity.   Evolution 78(11): 1761-1773.

392.  Kortessis, N., G. Glass, A. Gonzalez, N.W. Ruktanonchai, M.W. Simon, B. Singer, and R.D. Holt. 2025. Metapopulations, the inflationary effect, and consequences for public health.  American Naturalist Special Issue. Invited contribution. American Naturalist 205:342-359.